Green Fries – Quick and Easy GAPS Snack
Before we started our toddlers on the GAPS diet, they looooooved french fries. Since potatoes are off-limits due to the high starch content, I’ve had to get creative. I personally think that just about any vegetable tastes better roasted, and green beans are no exception. One day I roasted some green beans for the girls and told them they were “green bean french fries”. You know, sometimes it’s all in how you sell it 😉 They gobbled them up, and now they often ask for “green fries”. They are so healthy and easy to make that I’m happy to give them as a snack anytime.
Seems too simple to call it a recipe, but I’ll share how I make them. On a baking sheet lined with parchment I pour a bag of green beans (not fancy and not cut – you want the whole green beans). Fresh would be even better, but frozen works just fine. I spread them out so they are basically in a single layer, then add several dollops of duck fat on top. I roast them in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the edges start to brown. As soon as the duck fat melts in the oven, I mix the green beans around to coat them, and then I sprinkle them with kosher salt. I don’t add the salt initially because it won’t stick to the frozen green beans. You could melt the duck fat in advance and toss them before putting them on the baking sheet, but I’m lazy. Hahah. Not really, but I do like to take the simplest route possible to save as much time as I can in the kitchen. My girls like these so much they will actually eat them cold!
Please note – if you use something other than duck fat to roast your veggies, make sure you are aware of the smoke point, and set the oven temp accordingly. Enjoy!